Rollover Car Accidents

Rollover Car Accidents

Automotive rollovers are considered to be one of the most dangerous types of collisions. When an accident causes the vehicle to turn over onto its side or roof, it is considered a rollover crash. These types of accident often cause important injuries to drivers and/or passengers, possibly even life-threatening injuries. Causes of rollovers The majority…

What to do if I suffer from injuries following a car accident?

What to do if I suffer from injuries following a car accident?

Car accidents can result in many different types of injuries. From minor to severe, the nature and extent of injuries depend on a many factors, such as the speed of the vehicles, the force of the collision and how seatbelts and airbags worked during the accident. Car accidents are a leading cause of injuries. In…

Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

As you know already, it is illegal to use hand-held wireless communication devices while driving in NB, NS and PEI. This law was put in place to help us remain focused while driving and keep our roads safer. However, using your cell phone isn’t the only thing that can distract you while driving. Many other…

Ways in which pedestrian accidents could be reduced in Canada

There are multiple modes of transportation that individuals who reside in Canada use to get from one place to another. Motor vehicles are one of those modes. So too is walking. When the two collide–literally–the outcome can be disproportionately devastating to pedestrians. While it is of course possible that individuals in a car could be…

The Car Accident Was My Fault . . . Can I Still Get Compensated

Anyone and everyone injured in an automobile accident in Atlantic Canada is entitled to statutory accident benefits for up to four (4) years or until you reach the maximum amount, whichever comes first, regardless of fault. Section B no-fault accident benefits are available from your automobile insurance policy or other party’s insurance policy. An application…

Remplacement d’une perte totale de véhicule

Suite à un accident où votre automobile fut déclarée une perte totale, votre compagnie d’assurance indemnifiera votre perte en vous remboursant la valeur marchande de votre véhicule, indépendamment du montant de votre prêt. Cela veut dire que si votre auto a une valeur de revente de 9 000$, c’est ce montant que vous recevrez de…

Injured in a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause life-changing injuries and if that has happened to you, you deserve full compensation. The CLG Injury Law’s team of experienced injury lawyers can help you get the settlement you need after you’ve been injured in an accident caused by another driver. You are entitled to compensation for things like medical expenses,…

Remboursement pour location automobile

Si votre police d’assurance comprend un avenant pour location automobile, vos primes pourraient rembourser cette location. Cet avenant est aussi connu sous « protection de perte de jouissance » puisque l’accident vous a empêché de jouir de l’utilisation de votre auto. L’argent que vous recevrez pour louer une auto varie selon votre police, mais la…

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