Judge signing papers with gavel in foreground

How A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You After An Injury

A personal injury lawyer will help you legally when you have sustained injuries from an accident. One of the first tasks a personal injury lawyer will help with is determining which insurance policy is required to provide financial benefits. As your legal representative, your personal injury lawyer can interface with insurance companies on your behalf…

Choosing a Lawyer for your Personal Injury Case

Choosing a Lawyer for your Personal Injury Case

If you are a resident of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island and suffer from injuries following a motor vehicle accident, you may be looking to hire a personal injury lawyer. Without legal representation, your case is compromised by dealing with insurance companies on your own. No one, other than the lawyer you…

Why You Should Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

Why You Should Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

Doctors are the Experts Doctors are highly educated and trained to handle and treat injuries in the most beneficial way possible to put you on a successful recovery track. Licensed physicians have the experience and expertise to suggest treatment plans in relation to your unique injuries, circumstances, and medical history. For this reason, following the…


Talking to the Insurance Adjuster After an Accident

Following a motor vehicle accident, you will be contacted by your insurance company. They will ask questions about the accident and your injuries. It is usually OK to provide them with the information they need. However, beware of a call from an insurance agent representing the at-fault party. This agent, also known as an insurance…

Quoi faire après un accident automobile

Vous êtes rentré chez vous apres un accident… Que devriez-vous faire maintenant? Avisez votre médecin de vos blessures. Voir l’article « quand consulter un médecin après un accident » Consultez un avocat afin de mieux connaitre vos droits, obligations et options. Faites part de l’accident a votre compagnie d’assurances et demandez-leur de vous envoyer les…

Quand voir un médecin après un accident

Il est très important de consulter un médecin après un accident, et ce non seulement pour des raisons juridiques. Les blessures ne sont pas toutes visibles, et votre médecin peut s’assurer que vois recevez les soins dont vous avez besoin. Un examen médical est également important si vous déposez une réclamation auprès d’une compagnie d’assurances….

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