danger ahead

Dangerous Designed Roads Increase Accidents

There are several cities that have designed roads which are dangerous and confusing for travelers to navigate, and therefore dangerous for drivers and pedestrians alike.

Some examples of dangerous road designs:

  • Roads that twist, turn, and lead to dead ends. With confused drivers slowing, stopping, or turning around, it raises risks of collisions.
  • Roads with sudden turns are very dangerous, as drivers can’t see what is up ahead.
  • Roads with hidden signage or crosswalks immediately around a corner. This will not give drivers time to slow down and prevent accidents.

The question may arise, why do dangerous road designs exist? There are two main reasons why dangerous road designs are present in our communities. In many cases, the possible danger was not foreseen when planning the road, signage, or crosswalk placement. However, provinces and transportation agencies also place higher value in efficiency and speed over safety. It is not possible to prioritize both because increasing pedestrian safety and decreasing accident rates usually means finding ways to slow down motorists!

With more vehicles and people in cities, urbanization is important to adapt our roads to prioritize safety rather than efficiency. Here are some road designs that help put safety first in our communities.

  • Roundabouts – The constant flow of traffic has shown a 70-90% reduction in fatal and serious injuries compared to intersections. Intersections have 32 points of possible collisions, whereas roundabouts have only 8.
  • Speed Humps – Speed humps are the easiest way to slow traffic on long straight roads and are cheaper than the classic speed bumps that are poured from concrete.
  • Raised Crossings – In place of a painted crosswalk, raised crosswalks not only provide additional incentive for drivers to slow down, but they also put pedestrians in eyeline with drivers, and make it clear that cars should yield to the walkers.
  • Chicanes – Chicanes are a serpentine curve added to the road. They are added to create curves in the road that slows down traffic, and further protects pedestrians and cyclists.

CLG Injury Law has over 35 years’ experience representing Atlantic Canadians who have suffered injuries following a motor vehicle accident. For more articles and safety tips, go to https://cantiniinjurylaw.ca/blog/ or subscribe to our newsletter.

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