Distracted driving a danger for motorists and pedestrians alike
It is common to hear reports of how distracted driving in Canada leads to accidents involving other vehicles. What is often less talked about is the role distracted driving plays in pedestrian accidents. Many organizations detail the dangers of driving while distracted and how it may lead to a collision. It is reasonable to assume that the danger posed to other vehicles is a danger for pedestrians as well.
Experts recognize four types of distractions: visual, auditory, cognitive and manual. What many people do not realize is that some of the nondriving tasks people engage in while driving involves more than one kind of distraction. For example, changing out a CD or a DVD requires drivers to remove one hand from the wheel while shifting their vision. Even though it usually only takes a few seconds to complete the task, it is plenty of time for a pedestrian to cross paths with the driver.
In Atlantic Canada, many residents recognize that distracted driving is a problem. The question is what can be done to reduce the risks for pedestrians and motorists alike. For drivers, it can be helpful to follow these simple tips:
— Pull over to perform complex tasks or to make phone calls
— Avoid eating and engaging in complex conversations while driving
— Make adjustments like setting the heat or air conditioning before starting the car
— Let passengers take over control of the radio and GPS units
For pedestrians, it is always helpful to stay alert and watchful for dangers posed by motor vehicles. Remaining aware of your surroundings is one of the most useful tools citizens of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have in their arsenals. Remember, the legal system is on your side if you have been injured through negligence in a pedestrian accident. A personal injury lawyer can tell you more.
Source: Nova Scotia Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, “Road Safety,” accessed Oct. 07, 2016