Cannabis Impaired Driving: By The Numbers
Despite concerted efforts to raise awareness, recent research suggests that the prevalence of cannabis-impaired driving in Canada has not seen a significant increase.
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Despite concerted efforts to raise awareness, recent research suggests that the prevalence of cannabis-impaired driving in Canada has not seen a significant increase.
Navigating the Perils of Impaired Driving: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Grave Consequences of Alcohol and Cannabis Influence
In this article, we explore the reasons behind the increased frequency of accidents on weekends and provide guidance on how to navigate these challenges.
In recent years, cannabis use has become more prevalent in Canada, with one in five Canadians over the age of 15 reporting cannabis use in 2020. While the legalization of recreational cannabis has led to increased accessibility and acceptance, it has also raised concerns about the safety of driving under the influence. This blog post explores the safety dangers of driving high on cannabis and the legal ramifications in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
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