Trick or treaters dressed in Halloween costumes getting candy from someone's house. There is even a dressed up dog.
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Important Safety Tips for Children On Halloween

Haunted Highways: 7 Spooktacular Halloween Road Safety Tips for Maritime Merrymakers

Halloween in Atlantic Canada, is a wonderful time filled with spooky costumes, candy-filled adventures, and memorable moments for children. However, ensuring the safety of our little trick-or-treaters on the road is of paramount importance. Here are seven crucial road safety tips tailored to Halloween in the Maritimes:

1. Prioritize Bright and Visible Costumes:

Enhancing visibility is essential for ensuring the safety of children while trick-or-treating.


  • Encourage children to choose costumes in brighter colors, which make them more visible to drivers, especially in the early evening.
  • Add reflective tape to costumes to increase visibility in low-light conditions, such as dusk or nighttime.
  • Consider attaching glow sticks or reflective accessories to their outfits for added safety, ensuring they’re seen by passing vehicles.

2. Plan a Safe Trick-or-Treat Route:

Selecting a safe route is crucial for a secure Halloween night.


  • Choose neighborhoods with well-lit streets and sidewalks for trick-or-treating.
  • Stay on well-lit, designated paths to minimize exposure to vehicular traffic.
  • Avoid shortcuts through alleys or dimly lit areas and stick to well-established routes to ensure safety.
Two children walking down a safe city street dressed in their Halloween costumes.
Pick a safe route for your children to ensure a secure Halloween night.

3. Educate Kids About Road Safety:

Teaching children about safe road behavior is fundamental to their Halloween experience.


  • Instruct your little trick-or-treaters to watch for cars and only cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections.
  • Emphasize the importance of staying on sidewalks and walking cautiously between houses rather than running.
  • Encourage them to put down any electronic devices when crossing streets, allowing them to focus entirely on their surroundings, and teach them to make eye contact with drivers before proceeding.

4. Use Sidewalks and Crosswalks:

Staying on designated paths is essential for avoiding road hazards.


  • Encourage your child to use sidewalks whenever possible.
  • Cross streets only at marked crosswalks or intersections.
  • Teach them to obey traffic signals and look both ways before crossing.

5. Set a Curfew:

Establishing a curfew helps ensure your child’s safety.


  • Determine a reasonable curfew for trick-or-treating.
  • Instruct your child to return home by the agreed-upon time to avoid being out after dark.
Two mothers walking with their young-trick or treaters.
Accompany young children during their Halloween adventure.

6. Accompany Young Children:

Providing supervision is essential for the safety of younger trick-or-treaters.


  • Accompany young children during their Halloween adventure.
  • Keep an eye on them and guide them safely from house to house.
  • Ensure they understand the basic rules of road safety and stay close to them at all times.

7. Stick to Well-Known Areas:

Familiarity with your surroundings can enhance safety.


  • Choose neighborhoods and streets that are well-known to you and your child.
  • Avoid venturing into unfamiliar or remote areas that might pose safety concerns.

By following these eight tailored road safety tips for Halloween in the Maritimes, children and parents alike can enjoy a festive and secure celebration in this enchanting region. Prioritizing visibility, education, and careful planning ensures that Halloween remains a joyful and safe occasion for all.

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